of the



1 May 1996

Amended April 2011, March 2012, April 2015, April 2016, April 2018, May 2020


The name of the organization shall be the Enlisted Association of the Arkansas National Guard, Incorporated, herein after referred to as the Association.


SECTION 1: The purpose of this Association is to organize all enlisted personnel of the Arkansas National Guard to work together in unison for the purpose of advancing the standing, prestige, and welfare of the enlisted members. The Association will strive to improve the position and status of enlisted personnel in their relationship with their civilian community as well as in their military environment. These purposes will be sought after through affiliation with the Enlisted Association of the National Guard of the United States.

SECTION 2: This Association may engage in attempts to promote legislation to attain its purpose.

SECTION 3: This Association shall be a non-profit organization.

SECTION 4: This Association shall not participate in a political campaign on behalf of or in opposition to a candidate for public office.


SECTION 1: Classes of membership are:

a. Annual

b. Life

c. Associate

d. Honorary

e. Corporate

SECTION 2: Qualifications and requirements for the membership classes are:

  1. Annual: Annual membership is contingent upon active assignment as an enlisted member to an Arkansas National Guard unit or has transferred or requested transfer to the Retired Reserve, and is under the age of 60 years; or an enlisted member that becomes ineligible to retain active enlistment due to medical disability, requiring discharge. Upon application and payment of the prescribed dues, an annual membership may be issued. Applications for annual membership may be subject to review by the Executive Committee and may be disapproved by a simple majority of the Executive Committee. Any person determined to have not met the requirements of membership at time of application, to include non-payment of membership dues, is not considered to be or have been a member of the Association. Any annual member who reaches the age of 60 years in a membership year may be awarded a gratuitous life membership in the Association.

  1. Life: Upon application and payment of the prescribed amount and upon approval by the Executive Committee of the Association, a person who is qualified to be an annual member may be issued a life membership, his/her life membership will be retained and continue to be rendered all the rights and privileges accorded this class membership.

  1. Associate: Upon application, payment of the prescribed dues and upon approval by the Executive Committee of the Association, a person not otherwise qualified for membership may be issued an Associate membership. An associate member may not hold office or vote. An associate life membership may be purchased for one hundred (100) dollars.

  1. Honorary: The Executive Committee of the Association may, by a majority vote, confer honorary membership upon a person who has rendered outstanding service to the Association; or the State of Arkansas, or any political subdivision thereof; or to the Arkansas National Guard. An honorary member may not hold office or be entitled to vote.

  1. Corporate: Upon application, payment and approval of the Executive Committee of the Association, organizations with a common interest in the goals and objectives of this Association may join as corporate member. Corporate members will not be entitled to representation.

SECTION 3: Certified life and retired memberships existing prior to the 1989 membership year shall be rendered all rights and privileges which are accorded annual and life membership classes of the Association.

SECTION 4: The Board of Directors may establish checks and balances as necessary to ensure that the membership of the Association adheres to these objectives and purposes.

SECTION 5: The yearly dues for an annual membership of the Association includes annual membership for EANGUS. The dues will be based on the individual’s rank at time of joining/renewing. The dues will be the total of EANGUS dues plus the following amounts: E-1 through E-6/$4.00, E-7 through E-9/$19.00. Associate membership annual dues in the Association will be $10.00 for officers and non-Arkansas National Guard members. Lifetime Associate Membership may be purchased for a onetime cost of $100.00 effective July 1997. Honorary membership is gratuitous. Corporate membership shall be in (4) categories as follows: 1) Platinum – $10,000.00; 2) Gold – $5,000.00; 3) Silver – $2,500.00; 4) Corporate – $1,000.00. Benefits to Corporate Members will be determined and reviewed annually by the Board of Directors. Life membership may be purchased prior to reaching age sixty. A lifetime membership for the state Association will be $140.

SECTION 6: Membership shall be on an anniversary basis starting on the day the membership is paid for and processed then expiring the day prior to the one-year anniversary of that membership. Multi-year memberships can be bought but will expire the day prior of the final years anniversary.

SECTION 7: Starting with the 2013 membership year, which starts on 01 JAN 2013, the primary means for membership payment will be through the EAANG website, under the membership section. A printed flyer will still be made available to all units if individuals want to pay through traditional means of a cash, check, or credit card application. Membership flyers will recommend that individual’s use the website first, however, will still contain the traditional membership information collection and turning procedures. This membership flyer will also be located on the EAANG website and listed as a secondary membership option. The Membership Chairperson shall arrange for printing and distribution of membership flyers.

SECTION 8: Membership flyers shall be issued to the unit as expeditiously as possible. Flyer and payment method can be mailed in by the individual or collected by the unit designated representative but must be forwarded to the office of the State Association’s Membership Chairperson or State Association’s Treasurer as soon as possible.

SECTION 9: Membership shall be maintained in an automated system separated into unit of assignment and retired membership. This system will include all eligible members and the member’s mailing address.

SECTION 10: No qualified member shall be removed or denied renewal, except for cause. Cause shall include, but is not limited to, violation of the Association Bylaws and/or policies, or conduct unbecoming of a member of the Association. Recommendations for removal may only come from a member of the Association. Recommendations for removal must be submitted in writing, to include e-mail, to the EAANG Secretary, who shall provide the recommendation to the Executive Committee who shall determine if the recommendation is valid and warranted. If a recommendation for removal is determined to be valid and warranted, the member recommended for removal will be notified in writing of the recommendation and given 30 days to provide a rebuttal prior to any vote of the Executive Committee to remove the member. In the event the member recommended for removal cannot be located, or refuses to acknowledge or respond to the notification, the Executive Committee may proceed with a vote to remove, no earlier than 30 days after the first attempt to notify the member. Removing a member of the Association requires a simple majority vote of the Executive Committee for approval. Members approved for removal are immediately removed from membership in the Association.

SECTION 11: Dues paying members may resign from the Association, upon written notification, including e-mail notification, to the Secretary of the Association. As dues are paid on an annual basis, such members, and life members, will remain on the active membership rolls, with appropriate annotation, until the end of the current membership year as defined herein. Members desiring to resign their membership may request a refund of membership dues paid, and any refund of membership dues paid, either whole or partial, must be approved by a simple majority vote of the Executive Committee.


SECTION 1: The officers of this Association shall be President, First Vice-President, Second Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. Starting with the election of officers at the 2012 Annual Conference, the officers shall serve for a term of (2) years or until their successors are elected and duly qualified. Presidential and Vice-Presidential candidates for office shall alternate between the Air National Guard and the Army National Guard each year; i.e. if the office of President is filled by a member of the Army National Guard, the office of First Vice-President must be filled by a member of the Air National Guard, with the office of Second Vice-President being elected from the Army National Guard. In the event no person from the appropriate branch is nominated, a member from the other branch may be nominated from the floor and duly elected.

SECTION 2: The President, First Vice-President, Second Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer shall be elected at the annual conference on every even numbered year.

SECTION 3: Ballots will be printed in advance of the annual conference listing the nominees for each office with sufficient space allocated for write-in candidates. Ballots shall be distributed by the election committee prior to the election of officers at the annual conference.

SECTION 4: Elections shall be in written secret ballot except when a candidate for an office is unopposed. A majority 2/3rd voice vote may be used to elect the unopposed officer. Electronic means of voting may be used in lieu of paper ballots when deemed appropriate by the Nomination Committee Chairman as described in ARTICLE IX-COMMITTEES AND APPOINTMENTS, Section 3 of the by-laws.

SECTION 5: Ballots shall be counted by the Election Committee immediately after the voting has ended, and the results shall immediately be given to the Secretary for announcement.


SECTION 1: The President shall preside at all meetings of the Board of Directors, be an ex-officio member of all committees, except the nominating and election committees, exercise general supervision over affairs of the organization, exercise direct supervision of the Association employee(s), and perform such other duties as are ordinarily incumbent upon a President.


  1. The Vice-Presidents shall perform duties as ordinarily incumbent upon a Vice-President, and such other duties as may be assigned to him/her by the President.

  1. Vice-Presidents will assume the duties and responsibilities of the office above them in the event of resignation, termination, extended absences due to military duty of 60 days or more, or removal from office. The Vice-Presidents will still be eligible to run for the next office at the annual conference. After each Vice-President has progressed up to the office above them, the residing President will then seek nominations for the vacant position of Second Vice-President from all districts that represent the branch of service that would then fill that position as described in ARTICLE IV-OFFICERS, Section 1 of the by-laws. Nominations will be accepted for a period of no less than (2) weeks but no more than (4) weeks. All individuals nominated must also accept the nomination, in writing, in order to be considered for the position. Once Nominations cease, the President will then request a special election from the Board of Directors. If more than two individuals are nominated and a clear majority cannot be determined, the two individuals with the highest number of votes will then be placed in a runoff election where the highest number of votes wins the election. Upon determining the winner of the special election, the elected nominee will be sworn in immediately and begin assuming the duties of the Second Vice President. The secretary must record, in minute format, that a special election was called for, the list of nominees submitted, winner of the special election, and the swearing in of the elected nominee. The elected individual fulfills the remaining time of the outgoing officer’s term.

  1. In the event that the office of President, First Vice President, and Second Vice President are vacated or any two of those positions are vacated within 90 days of each other due to resignation, termination, extended absences due to military duty of 60 days or more, or removal of office, a special election must take place in order to fill the vacant positions. The outgoing President will then seek nominations for each vacant position in accordance to the branch of service as described in ARTICLE IV-OFFICERS, Section 1 of the by-laws. Nominations will be accepted for a period of no less than (2) weeks but no more than (4) weeks. All individuals nominated must also accept the nomination, in writing, in order to be considered for the position. Once Nominations cease, the President will then request a special election. District 1-10 will get (2) votes in this special election, (1) for the District Representative and (1) for that districts most Senior Enlisted member. District 11 and 12 will get (1) vote each. The Executive Board will get (1) vote each, to include the outgoing members and the past president. A total of 28 votes can be cast for each vacant position. If more than two individuals are nominated for any position and a clear majority cannot be determined, the two individuals with the highest number of votes will then be placed in a runoff election where the highest number of votes wins the election. Upon determining the winner of the special election, the elected nominees will be sworn in immediately and begin assuming the duties of each respective office. The secretary must record, in minute format, that a special election was called for, the list of nominees submitted, winner of the special election, and the swearing in of the elected nominee. The elected individuals fulfill the remaining time of the outgoing officer’s terms.


SECTION 1: The duties of the Secretary: The Secretary shall:

  1. Act as registered agent with the Arkansas Secretary of State.

  1. File any changes to the By-laws of the Association with the Internal Revenue Office and the Office of the Secretary of State.

  1. Attend all meetings; regular, special, Board of Directors, Executive Committee and Association.

  1. Record and publish minutes of Board of Directors and annual conference meetings of this Association.

  1. Keep the official copy of the By-laws with all amendments.

  1. Serve as the Awards Chairperson for the Association: maintains and follows the Awards SOP, announces nomination timelines each year, collects all nominations each year, facilitates Award Committee Meetings, assists the President on selection of award winners, facilitates the purchase of awards for the Awards Banquet, helps coordinate the Awards presentations during the annual Awards Banquet, and manages other functions of the Awards Committee as required.

  1. Perform other duties as assigned by the President.

SECTION 2: The duties of the Treasurer: The Treasurer shall:

a. Receive, receipt for and be custodian of all funds of the Association.

b. Deposit all funds in a bank, banks, trust company or companies to be designated by the Board of Directors.

c. Be responsible for correspondence as may be required for maintaining all records of monies collected, deposited, and disbursed in accordance with generally accepted accounting procedures.

d. Be bonded for the amount of two thousand dollars ($2000.00), the cost of the said bond to be borne by the Association.

e. Serve as representative of the Association when entering into contractual agreements after consultation and approval of the Executive Committee. Unanimous approval is not required for contractual agreements required in the normal day to day operation of the Association, i.e., Safe Deposit Box Rental Agreement.

f. Ensure all bills and claims of the Association are paid.

g. Serve as Chairperson of the Finance Committee.

h. Have signature authority on all accounts of the Association.

i. Furnish a quarterly financial statement to Board of Directors and an annual financial statement to the general membership attending the annual conference.

j. Furnish the Association’s CPA appropriate records for the preparation of the Internal Revenue Form 990 and 990-T.

k. Retain all financial records to comply with the Statute of Limitations of the Internal Revenue Service.

l. Ensure Internal Revenue Forms 990 and 990-T are filed with all appropriate federal and state agencies (i.e., Internal Revenue Service, State Attorney General’s office, etc.)

m. Serve as the Chairperson for the Corporate Sponsor and Vendors Committee; make and receive recommendations on the benefits of each corporate sponsor level, seek out and establish corporate sponsor relationships that benefit the sponsor, the association and our membership, maintain corporate sponsor relationships, oversee corporate sponsor functions and opportunities, oversee advertisement and marketing for corporate sponsors and their services to our members, and other functions to enhance the Associations Corporate Relationships.


SECTION 1: Annual Conference:

  1. The Association shall conduct an annual conference on a weekend during the calendar year.

  1. The purpose of the annual conference will be for the election and installation of officers, election and installation of Board Members by caucus, conduct of the general membership business session, and election of EANGUS Delegates.

Section 2: The Board of Directors shall meet on a quarterly basis or as otherwise determined by the President.

  1. The Board of Director meetings may be conducted via electronic/virtual means as deemed necessary by the President.

  1. Voting may be by proxy if a member of the Board of Directors cannot attend a meeting and he/she has submitted a proxy memo to the Secretary prior to the start of the meeting.


SECTION 1: The Association shall have a Board of Directors which will consist of the President, Vice-President, Second Vice-President, the immediate Past President, Secretary, Treasurer, five (5) Board Members from the Army National Guard, five (5) Board Members from the Air National Guard, one (1) Board Member representing the retired Air National Guard, and one (1) Board Member representing the retired Army National Guard. The President of the Association’s Auxiliary shall be invited to serve as an advisor to the Board of Directors, who may add to any discussion, debate, or activities but will not be a voting member. A list of districts with units represented will be kept in the office of the Association. This list will be certified by the Secretary and can only be changed by approval from the Board of Directors. The number of Board of Directors positions authorized for each district is as follows:

District 1 – 39th Infantry Brigade Combat Team one (1) position

District 2 – 142nd Field Artillery Brigade one (1) position

District 3 – 77th Combat Aviation Brigade one (1) position

District 4 – 87th Troop Command one (1) position

District 5 – Army JFHQ & TDA Units one (1) position

District 6 – 189th Airlift Wing two (2) position

District 7 – 188th Wing two (2) position

District 8 – Air at Large one (1) position

District 9 – Retired Air one (1) position

District 10 – Retired Army one (1) position

SECTION 2: The District Representatives shall be elected at caucuses of members of each of their districts respectively per Section 1. The caucuses will be held at the annual conference of the Association on every odd numbered year. Each District Representative shall serve a two-year term.

SECTION 3: The President with the approval of the Board of Directors, may appoint a member from the district to fill the representatives’ position if a representative was not selected by the caucuses at the annual conference, or if a position should be vacated during the year. If any representative fails to attend a called meeting for two (2) consecutive times without valid excuse, the office shall be deemed vacated by the Board of Directors.

SECTION 4: A quorum of at least forty-one percent (41%) of the voting members of the Board of Directors may transact the business of the Association at any official meeting. Each director should be notified either by mail or telephone at least two (2) weeks in advance of the meeting.

SECTION 5: The appointment and compensation of all employees of the Association shall be the responsibility of the Board of Directors. This appointment and compensation establishment shall be established annually by the Board of Directors.

SECTION 6: There shall be an Executive Committee of the Board of Directors which shall be composed of the President, 1st Vice President, 2nd Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary of the Association. The Executive Committee shall have the power to act on emergency matters when it is necessary, not having sufficient time to call a full meeting of the Board of Directors.

SECTION 7: Members of the Board of Directors, including elected Officers of the Association, must remain members in good standing, including the payment of membership dues, for the period of their term. It is each member’s responsibility to ensure their membership is in compliance with membership requirements. If the membership of a member of the Board of Directors should expire during their term, or their membership dues not be paid, that member shall have 30 calendar days to be in compliance. At the expiration of 30 calendar days, if a Board of Director’s membership remains expired, and or dues unpaid, the Executive Committee may declare that Board of Director position to be vacant by a simple majority vote. No member of the Board of Directors may engage in the official business of the Association during the time their membership is out of compliance.

SECTION 8: Duties and Responsibilities:

  1. District Representatives

    1. Perform any and all duties imposed on them collectively or individually by law, by the Articles of Incorporation or by these Bylaws.

    1. Meet at such times and places as required by these Bylaws.

    1. Register civilian mailing/e-mail addresses and telephone numbers with the Secretary of the Association, and notices of meetings mailed or telephoned to them at such addresses shall be valid notices thereof.

    1. Serve as a committee member where appointed.

    1. Assist in planning and coordinating annual state association conferences.

    1. Support the programs and activities of the Enlisted Association of Arkansas National Guard (EAANG), the Enlisted Association the National Guard of the United States (EANGUS), the National Guard Association of Arkansas (NGAA) and the National Guard Association of the United States (NGAUS).

    1. Promote cooperation and friendship among the Soldiers and Airmen of the Arkansas National Guard.

    1. Relinquish all proprietary property used inherently for the purpose of conducting business of the association upon vacating current position.


SECTION 1: Standing committees may be appointed as necessary to administer any programs sponsored by the Association. The committee chairperson(s) will submit a proposed budget to the Budget and Audit committee chairperson outlining expenses anticipated to be needed for carrying out the business of the committee. The proposed budget will be submitted prior to preparation of the annual budget proposal prepared by the Budget and Audit committee to be presented at the annual conference.

SECTION 2: Nominations Committee: The Nominations Committee shall consist of the two most recent Past Presidents. In the event that one or both of the most recent Past Presidents is not able to fulfill their position due to death, health reasons, deployment, etc., then the President may appoint another Past President to fill the vacated position(s). The committee’s duties will be to receive written nominations for the offices of President, First Vice President, Second Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer of the Association. The committee member receiving the nomination will secure a letter of acceptance from the nominee and in turn will ensure that both documents are in the hands of the Secretary not later than seven (7) calendar days prior to the next annual conference.

SECTION 3: Election Committee: The duties of the Election Committee will be to distribute ballots to the membership, collect and count the ballots, certify the results of each office to the Secretary immediately after the results are known and destroy the ballots after certification. The Election Committee shall make its report to the general membership when called by the President.

SECTION 4: Activities Committee: It shall be the duty of the Activities Committee to plan all activities of the Association except the annual conference. All activities planned must be approved by the Board of Directors.

SECTION 5: Budget and Audit Committee: The Budget and Audit Committee shall audit the Association’s financial records annually. This audit shall be conducted in January or February. Special audits, other than the annual audit, shall be conducted upon the request of the President. This committee shall also prepare an annual budget (covering a period of 1 May to 30 Apr) for conferences attendees’ approval.

SECTION 6: Conference Committee: It shall be the duty of the Conference Committee to plan all activities of the annual conference. The Conference Committee shall be allowed to establish a minimum necessary fee for members attending the annual conference. This fee shall not be charged to those members attending the business meeting only. The Board of Directors must approve this fee which is to be announced not less than thirty (30) days prior to the annual conference. The purpose of this fee is to defray conference expenses.

SECTION 7: A Chaplain shall be appointed by the incoming President. The Chaplain shall conduct the invocation and benediction at Associations meetings and offer spiritual assistance when needed.

SECTION 8: The President will appoint a parliamentarian to assist in following proper procedures set forth in the Association’s By-Laws and Robert’s Rules of Order.


SECTION 1: Expenses of Officers, Board of Directors, and Committees of the Association will be paid on the “actual expense” basis and only with approval of the Executive Committee. Normal expense is to mean gasoline, telephone, single lodging not to exceed the maximum local lodging rate on the current DOD Per Diem table when commuting outside a 50-mile radius, program materials, and meals that are used in the course of Association business.

SECTION 2: Social activities and charitable expenses must be approved by the Board of Directors.

SECTION 3: All allocations of funds in excess of bills due may be temporarily or permanently suspended or collection procedures invoked if after a report by the Treasurer, it is the opinion of the Board of Directors that expenditure of these funds would be detrimental to the Association.

SECTION 4: All expenses, bills or any dispersal of funds will be accomplished using a two-party signature checking system for expenses in excess of $500.00. Authorized signatures will be the President, and/or the Treasurer, and/or two annual or life members of the Association appointed by the Board of Directors at the first called Board of Directors meeting following the annual conference. A minimum of two (2) of the signature holders must live in the central Arkansas area. Fifty (50) dollars per month maybe maintained as petty cash.


The annual accounting period of this Association shall close 31 December of each year.


The rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern the Association in all cases to which they are applicable, and in which they are not inconsistent with the Bylaws or the special rules of order of this Association.


SECTION 1: All committees shall submit a written report of their activities to the conference. Committee chairpersons shall, if directed, give periodic reports of their committee actions to the President.

SECTION 2: The Treasurer shall initiate and submit all necessary reports and returns required by the State of Arkansas and the Internal Revenue Service. Internal Revenue Service Form 990 will be filed within 60 days of the Association’s annual accounting period.


SECTION 1: Effectively immediately upon passage of this amendment, the First Vice-President and Second Vice-President will automatically serve as delegates to EANGUS. Up to a maximum of eight (8) delegates will be elected at the Board of Directors meeting immediately prior to start of the business of the annual conference of the Association. Up to a maximum of four (4) each will come from within the Army and within the Air National Guard board members. These delegates will be elected within by their respective service directors. For the purpose of being nominated and elected as an EANGUS delegate, the Retiree Board Member will be included in the count of 4 from the service in which they retired. Nominations of these eight (8) delegates will come from the floor at the Board of Directors meeting and be received by a member not seeking nomination. Election will be by secret ballot.

SECTION 2: For the remaining vacancies, any number of nominations may be made from the floor during the business session of the annual conference to fill the vacancies. Vacancy delegate elections will be by secret ballot and counted by any Association member if all election committee members are nominated. The Election Committee will record and certify a by name list in the order of votes received (most to least) and provided it to the Secretary. If after elected, a delegate has to withdraw, the next person on the list will replace that delegate. The Secretary will provide a copy of the list to each person.

SECTION 3: The actual number of delegate authorizations will be determined at the Board of Director’s meeting scheduled immediately prior to the annual conference. All vacancies will be filled from the list recorded and certified by the Election Committee and maintained by the Secretary after the annual conference.


SECTION 1: These By-laws may be amended at the annual conference by a 2/3rd vote of the members present and voting, providing that a 30-day notification to the membership has been given.

SECTION 2: The By-laws may be amended at the annual conference of the Association by a unanimous vote without prior notice provided the Bylaws Committee has reviewed the proposed amendments and made its recommendation to the membership.

SECTION 3: By-laws amendments adopted at the annual conference will become effective on the first day following the close of business of the annual conference, unless adopted amendment specifically states an implementation date.


SECTION 1: When Invoked. This article may be invoked by majority vote of the Board of Directors in the event that war, state or national emergency is proclaimed by the President of the United States or the Governor of Arkansas or where there are insufficient members present at the Annual Conference to constitute a quorum; or the Annual Conference cannot be reasonably called. This article, when invoked, shall take precedence over any conflicting provision of the By-Laws of this Association.

SECTION 2: Authority to Act. In such an event, the remaining members of the Board of Directors are authorized and empowered to carry on and conduct the business of the Association, including all actions normally requiring a vote of the membership, during the period of such war or emergency, and until the next Annual Conference following the termination of such war or emergency.

SECTION 3. Filling Vacancies. The remaining Board of Directors shall have the authority to appoint such members not called to active service to serve on the Board as members’ pro-term to fill any vacancies.