EAANG is now accepting nominations for the offices of President, 1st Vice President, 2nd Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary, with elections being held at the annual conference on 24 February 2024 in Rogers, AR.
EAANG must receive nominations for these positions for potential candidates no later than 9 February 2024. Nominations should be submitted, via the form below or by email to derrick.v.young@gmail.com. The branch of service represented for the President and Vice President positions should alternate Army to Air to Army, etc. This year, positions should be elected as such:
President Army
1st Vice President Air Force
2nd Vice President Army
Secretary Army or Air Force
Treasurer Army or Air Force
If no nominations are received from the respective service branch, the Bylaws then call for nominations from the floor of the general assembly from either branch of service. While not required, a traditional succession of 2nd Vice, 1st Vice, to President is the anticipated continuation for the Executive Council. View the EAANG By-laws at this site: EAANG By-Laws. Nominations to be considered will be elected via a majority vote from the General Assembly during the business session of the annual conference.
Nominations must can be submitted by email to derrick.v.young@gmail.com or by completing the form below.