EAANG is now accepting resolution recommendations. Proposed resolutions to be considered by the Body should be submitted to the Resolutions Chair, EAANG 1st V.P. Ashley Brodnax, no later than May 1, 2022, in order to allow for the proposed resolution to be vetted prior to consideration by the EAANG Resolutions Committee. Proposed resolutions may only be submitted by current members of EAANG. Proposed resolutions must be submitted in a digital format capable of being edited by the Committee and may be combined with similar proposed resolutions when being considered by the Committee. The Resolutions Committee will present to the Body, in detail, proposed resolutions which the committee deems to be appropriate, complete and in keeping with the goals of the EAANG and recommends for consideration by the Body for adoption. Proposed resolutions which are not recommended for adoption will be presented to the Body as a summary rather than in detail.
Proposed resolutions MUST include a Primary Author/Submitter and a means of contact, either personal phone or personal e-mail. Proposed resolutions may include secondary or additional authors. Personal contact information will be removed from proposed resolutions before presentation to the Body. Resolutions may recommend changes to State or Federal laws, policies or procedures. As much detail as possible should be included, paying special attention to any verifiable statistical or financial data.
Review the EAANG Resolutions SOP and the resolutions submission form here: EAANG Resolutions SOP. To submit a resolution proposal, fill out the form below or submit the resolutions form to 1st Vice President Brian Mays via email at All recommendations must be received NLT 1 May 2022.
Review all of your current EAANG Standing Resolutions and EANGUS Standing Resolutions here: