BEING HELD AT THE Hot Springs Convention Center, 134 Convention Blvd, Hot Springs, AR 71901 from 14 – 16 April 2023.
You have found the spot to keep up with all of the events leading up to and during the conference. Here is what we are up to now:
2022 Conference – This is a digital book of the conference and sponsors, information and more.
Register for the Conference: Click here to Register for the 2022 State Conference. Seats are limited, don’t wait.
Exhibitor Trade Show: Click here to be a sponsor or an exhibitor at our Trade Show. Visit with the Soldiers, Airmen, and State Leadership.
Conference Files: Here are the reports from all your Committee Chairs, District Reps, and Executive Officers throughout the entire conference weekend.
Call for Resolutions: Have a legislative or policy issue you need us to work for, to better the lives of our Soldiers and Airmen, then click here and lets see how we can help.
Call for By-Laws Changes: Know of any by-laws you want to see changed, modified, or added? Here is your chance. Click this link to make a recommendation.
Call for Awards: Want to recommend someone for an award to recognize their service to the National Guard, the Enlisted Association, or their Families? Click here to fill out an online nomination form.
Call for Executive Council Nominations: Have a desire to make a difference for Soldiers, Airmen and their families and have been an EAANG member in good standing for the last two years? Click here to submit a nomination to be on the Executive Council.